Let's stop the chaos...
ADHD and Anxiety Counseling for Adult Women
Counseling for Women with Anxiety or
ADHD in Lake Oswego and Portland, OR
You can’t handle any more confusion and overwhelm. One day you feel really depressed and on other days so anxious and unable to sleep until everything is done and in its place at night. Yet with all this focus, you still can’t complete a project. Everything is exhausting. You’ve been told how amazingly creative you are, but you can’t even get out the door on time.
It’s ok that you’re having a tough time.
You turn to your friends and wonder how they have the energy to do it all – successful career, active social life, managing the household, “developing’’ the kids. You’ve tried for years. You’re smart and got yourself through school, even college, but it feels so hard to keep it going now. Just even getting out of bed some days seems like a chore. Once you get in the rhythm, you are fine, but getting there is no small feat.
Parenting is just another area where you feel lost and overwhelmed. Between schedules, meltdowns, and homework, there is no room for you to get your own life together. And your partner doesn’t get it. They tell you to just go do things, but when you get started, you just discover that you can’t quite get it organized and your to-do list is never ending. Thus the overwhelm.
Life is too much and just too busy. You need something to change. Is it depression? Anxiety? Could it be ADHD? Or something else? The meds you have tried haven’t helped. The meditations and the organization programs don’t work for you. What to do?
Your creativity is important. Your way of doing things is important.
I help creative and entrepreneurial women to understand what will really help them function in their daily life, their relationships and career without the disorganization, overwhelm, and chaos. I will evaluate your symptoms, look at how YOU operate in the world to find the strengths and unique aspects of you and the way you do things. You are different from others—in a great way! Together we can discover if it is Anxiety or maybe even ADHD, and then create a plan with tools and skills you can learn and practice on your own, so you can begin to feel an amazing shift in your life.
My clients tell me that I really “get it,” meaning I really understand anxiety and ADHD — and how it is unique to women! They report feeling seen and understood, and they love learning how to accept themselves more. They begin to structure life to their liking, setting boundaries and communicating out to others what they need, so they no longer have to hide.
I would love to help you do the same! Contact me today at 503-327-6971 or click here for your free 20-minute phone consultation for your individualized women’s counseling plan. Offering counseling services for women around anxiety, ADHD symptoms, and life balance using mindfulness, skill-based and holistic approaches.
Susan Gulka, LPC
(503) 327-6971
14523 Westlake Drive
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Click here to schedule your free 20-minute phone consultation today.